
This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Willand Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 72, you are viewing 50 - 59


address Willand Pre-school Gables Road Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2PL
description Advertisement Consent to display 2 non-illuminated signs on the North East elevation
area Mid Devon
start date 08/08/2023
decision Grant permission - 03/10/2023


address Land at NGR 303288 110467 Adj Meadow Park Silver Street Willand Devon
description Non-Material Amendment for 21/01754/MARM to allow the removal 1m soil bund and fence and replace with 3m timber acoustic fence
area Mid Devon
start date 08/08/2023
decision Grant permission - 06/11/2023


address 4 Blenheim Court Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2TE
description Application to crown reduce by 1m and crown raise by removing small epicormic growth of 1 Oak protected by Tree Preservation Order 97/00008/TPO
area Mid Devon
start date 04/08/2023
decision Grant permission - 22/09/2023


address 3 Greenwood Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2SY
description Application to side back canopy of 1 Oak tree T1 from property by 2-2.5m; repollard willow trees in area between T2 and T3 and side back hedge from garden all protected by Tree Preservation Order No. 02/00005/TPO
area Mid Devon
start date 03/08/2023
decision Application Part Granted/Part Refused - 22/09/2023


address Culm Vale House Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2RF
description Erection of a garage/vehicle shelter
area Mid Devon
start date 18/07/2023
decision Grant permission - 11/09/2023


address Church Lea Willand Old Village Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2RH
description Retention of lean-to extension to detached garage
area Mid Devon
start date 12/07/2023
decision Refuse permission - 26/09/2023


address Land and Buildings at NGR 303719 110353 (Dye House) Willand Old Village Willand Devon
description Non material amendment to Planning Permission 22/02209/HOUSE - for the addition of rooflights over kitchen area
area Mid Devon
start date 12/07/2023
decision Withdrawn - 11/08/2023


address 15 Tamarind Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2SR
description Application to remove limbs below height of guttering of house and reduce crown and other limbs by 2 metres on south and west sides from 1 small Oak tree; remove limbs below the height of apex of house and reduce full crown and other limbs by 2 metres on south and west sides from 1 large Oak tree protected by Tree Preservation Order No. 22/00003/TPO
area Mid Devon
start date 04/07/2023
decision Grant permission - 22/08/2023


address Land at NGR 303288 110467 Adj Meadow Park Silver Street Willand Devon
description Non Material Amendment for Planning Permission 18/00175/MOUT to amend condition 17 from 'No dwelling shall be occupied until the off-site highway improvements to widen the footways along the B3181, shown on drawing number A-012 Rev: P1, have been carried out in accordance with details which shall have been first submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority' to allow a number of dwellings to be occupied prior to the works being completed in October
area Mid Devon
start date 22/06/2023
decision Withdrawn - 25/08/2023


address 9 Cherry Close Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2SQ
description Prior Notification for the erection of an extension, extending 4.50m to the rear, maximum height of 3.36m and eaves height of 2.89m
area Mid Devon
start date 07/06/2023
decision Development Acceptance - 12/07/2023