Willand Allotments

Willand Parish Council work with the Willand Allotment Association to manage the allotment gardens situated  at the top of Jaycroft.  The allotment plots are for Willand residents in the first instance but can be let to those outside of the parish if there are any empty plots.

The Parish Council lease the land from Willand United Charities and provide tenancy agreements to those who wish to have an allotment.  These agreements are renewed annually and run from October 1st to September 30th.

The allotments are divided into two plot sizes those classed as a full plot and those as a part plot.  The plots and numbering are managed by the Allotment Association who inform the Parish Council each September of the number of plots in each category, and provide a list of tenancies for renewal.

The Allotment Association manage the waiting list for plots and anyone who is interested in an allotment should contact them.

Secretary Sylvia Statham email:  peterandsylviastatham@hotmail.com
Treasurer Samantha Brown email:  sambrown2009uk@hotmail.com

Costs are set annually, usually rising by 5% each year. Information can be obtained from the Clerk to the Parish Council  email: clerk@willand-pc.gov.uk