
This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Willand Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 72, you are viewing 30 - 39


address Land at Thatch Cottage Silver Street Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2RG
description Erection of an attached garage
area Mid Devon
start date 09/01/2024
decision Grant permission - 05/03/2024


address Land at NGR 303611 111116 Somerlea Willand Devon
description Erection of 7 affordable dwellings with car parking, landscaping and other minor works following demolition of existing garages
area Mid Devon
start date 08/01/2024
decision None


address 6 Blenheim Court Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2TE
description Application to reduce the crown of 1 Oak by up to 2m tree protected by Tree Preservation Order 97/00008/TPO
area Mid Devon
start date 02/01/2024
decision Refuse permission - 22/02/2024


address 24 Park Street Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2PT
description Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension
area Mid Devon
start date 14/12/2023
decision Grant permission - 09/02/2024


address Pencarrie Ltd Unit 14 South View Estate Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2QW
description Prior Notification for the installation of 252 Solar Photovoltaics (PV) panels with a capacity of 107.1 kW (solar)
area Mid Devon
start date 12/12/2023
decision Development Acceptance - 05/02/2024


address Land and Buildings at NGR 303719 110353 (Dye House) Willand Old Village Willand Devon
description Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 22/02209/HOUSE (Conversion of an outbuilding to annex) to allow for substitute plans relating to change in materials
area Mid Devon
start date 04/12/2023
decision Grant permission - 29/01/2024


address Land and Buildings at NGR 303719 110353 (Dye House) Willand Old Village Willand Devon
description Variation of condition 2 of listed building consent 22/02210/LBC (Conversion of an outbuilding to annex) to allow for substitute plans relating to change in materials
area Mid Devon
start date 04/12/2023
decision Permitted with Conditions to Discharge - 29/01/2024


address Silverstones Silver Street Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2RG
description Erection of a dwelling
area Mid Devon
start date 29/11/2023
decision Permitted with Conditions to Discharge - 24/04/2024


address Apple Tree House 17B Harpitt Close Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2RX
description Non-Material Amendment for 22/01393/FULL to allow the addition of air source heat pump
area Mid Devon
start date 29/11/2023
decision Grant permission - 07/12/2023


address 3 Hillcrest Willand Old Village Willand Cullompton Devon EX15 2RP
description Erection of single storey rear extension and conservatory to side
area Mid Devon
start date 12/11/2023
decision Grant permission - 05/01/2024